A new party game from Hasbro featuring over 90 original H4H card designs

Hasbro: Love is Dead

Inspired by the horrors of modern dating, Hasbro’s Love is Dead is a party card game where players match with the perfect Boo (get it?) to share their afterlife. H4H designed and illustrated all 90+ of the game cards, including 22 unique characters — our studio’s first-ever physical product design! We also created an animated how-to-play video for the game, which is now available through Amazon, Target, and Walmart.

Dating in the real world is scary…it’s even worse when you are literally ghosted!

Lineup of illustrated ghost characters from the new Hasbro party card game LOVE IS DEAD. Artwork by Hero4Hire Creative.

CLIENT: Hasbro
H4H SERVICES: character design, illustration, card design, creative direction, storyboards & animatics, 2D animation, sound design

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